Silent Auction Coming Soon

Our biggest fundraiser of the year, the Family Night Silent Auction, is on October 10th - just over a month away! For those unfamiliar with Family Night, it is an annual event full of marching, food, and a great opportunity to bid on donated items and support the band at the same time! It is also the night that letter jackets are passed out to those who earned them!

Over the course of the next month, we will be sending a number of email which will contain a lot of great information. This first email is going to address the silent auction/dessert auction/mystery basket raffle itself.

Silent Auction donations:

In order to have a successful silent auction, we need to collect approximately 100 donations. These can be any of the following:

· Items from local businesses

· Home made/hand made items

· Services from local businesses (spa days, car washes, etc.)

· Big ticket items like season tickets, airline tickets hot air balloon rides, hotel stays, new electronics

· Unique and creative items/services that can’t be bought anywhere

If you or a family member owns a business, please consider donating a product or service (free advertising!) If any of you have those special connections that can help us get any big-ticket items, please help! These can often be difficult to obtain. Please note that we are unable to accept any items that are not in new condition. If the items have been used, however gently, we will not be able to take them.

Live Dessert Auction/Sale:

Our dessert auction/sale is always a big hit! We make lots of money with this and we can do it again with your help – by donating a cake of dessert. You don’t have to be a pastry chef – you don’t even have to make it yourself – ask a local bakery to donate. It also doesn’t have to be a cake; any unique and unusual dessert is welcome! We would welcome both larger items (i.e. cakes) and smaller packages (i.e. cupcakes) that could be eaten that night. Please watch for a Sign Up Genius notification and sign up to send in your donation!

Section Baskets/Donations:

Each section will be putting together a basket of goodies for the silent auction. The section will have a theme and students will either donate items or cash to put towards the basket. The sections will receive their theme soon and additional information on this will be coming home.

**NOTE – In the past, sections have been allowed to come up with a service to provide as their donation (i.e. car wash, house cleaning, etc.). If a section wishes to donate a service in addition to their basket they may do so! Some sections really get creative with this!

We need EVERYONE’S help with this to have a successful auction! Please start obtaining your donations and send them in right away! Silent Auction donations will be collected by Cheryl Morewood ( and Lori Norman ( Please complete the attached donation form and submit it along with your donation.

That’s it for now! Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a whole community of band parents to make this year’s Silent Auction the best one yet! We can’t do it without you!

If you have any questions about the Silent Auction, please email Terri Reitmeier ( If you have an item to donate, please contact Cheryl Morewood ( or Lori Norman (